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Welcome to the City of Massillon

Tree Removal Program

Tree Removal Program APPLICATION (Click Here) The City of Massillon is hereby authorized to assist private property owners in the removal of overgrown, dead, diseased or obstructing trees located within the Right of Way or Tree Lawn in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 558 of the Massillon Codified Ordinances. The purpose of […]

MPD Anonymous Tip

Send an anonymous tip to MPD. Text “TIPMPD” to 847411, add a space, type in your tip info and send.

Massillon DORA is Now Live!

DORA is a useful tool for economic development in Massillon, serving as a great way to invite folks to our historic downtown to patronize and support our local businesses. Learn more here:

Safety Tips Regarding Solicitors

Massillon Police sign on with Tip411

Massillon Police have a new way to help fight crime! Send an anonymous tip to Massillon Police by texting keyword TIPMPD to 847411, add a space, type in your tip information, and hit send. It’s simple and anonymous!

FirstEnergy Offers Safety Tips for Vehicle Accidents Involving Utility Equipment

As part of its on-going “Stop.Look.Live.” public safety campaign, FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) has produced a video to teach drivers, emergency responders and bystanders tips for staying safe when a vehicle accident involves electrical equipment. Narrated by FirstEnergy safety spokesman Max Safety, the video details how to identify risks surrounding an accident, including utility poles, […]

Massillon Electric Aggregation Program Reminder

As news continues to circulate about the upcoming increase in Ohio Edison’s default electric supply rate, the price-to-compare, we would like to remind you of the supply option available through the City’s electric aggregation program. The City of Massillon’s electric aggregation program is available to residents and small businesses in the City, and provides a […]

FirstEnergy Ohio Encourage Customers to Arrange Payment Plans and Apply for Bill Assistance Programs

FirstEnergy Corp. For Release: January 17, 202376 South Main StreetAkron, OH 44308www.firstenergycorp.comNews Media Contact: Investor Contact:Lauren Siburkis Irene Prezelj(330) 203-8850 (330) 384-3859FirstEnergy Ohio Encourage Customers to Arrange Payment Plans and Apply for Bill Assistance Programs that can help alleviate growing balances for customers having financial difficultyAKRON, Ohio – Residential customers of Ohio Edison, The Illuminating […]

Welcome from Mayor Jamie Slutz!

Learn more about Massillon! Learn more about our Mayor

Join the Massillon Fire Department

February 14 - February 27

Building Board of Appeals

February 18 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
151 Lincoln Way East
Massillon, OH 44646 United States

Pop-Up Pantry

February 18 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
611 Erie St. S
Massillon, OH 44646 United States

City of Massillon Alerts