The City of Massillon is not accepting any bids at this time for the sale of parcels of real estate it currently owns:
To find the location of each parcel, access the Stark County Auditor's website to search using the parcel number.
All offers must be submitted, in writing, indicating the proposed price and use of the property for each parcel(s).
Please use the Bid Submission Form - Fillable 2025 to submit a bid. Payment is not required until the bid has been accepted.
Bid forms can be submitted via email, mail, or drop off.
Community Development Director
City of Massillon
ATTN: Land Reutilization Program
151 Lincoln Way East
Massillon, OH 44646
The City of Massillon’s Codified Ordinances provides the opportunity for interested persons to purchase vacant, city-owned lots within the City of Massillon. The minimum bid price of the lots shall not be less than fair market value which has been determined to be $8.00 per front foot regardless of the size or location of the lot, and shall be paid via a certified check or money order upon acceptance of the bid and approval of the proposed use. The successful purchaser shall agree to maintain the property in accordance with all applicable Health, Building, and Property Maintenance Codes enacted by the City.
The Community and/or Economic Development Department shall require a written bid form and may request additional information for the reuse of the land, which must be consistent with existing Building and Zoning codes. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
The City reserves the right to give preferred status to the following:
- Abutting property owners;
- Citizens of the City of Massillon and corporations, companies, organizations and institutions located in the City of Massillon; and
- Land reuse that is consistent with the current City Zoning Code and fits within the current neighborhood
Bid forms will not be accepted from persons, firms, corporations or companies who are:
- Delinquent on real estate taxes;
- Sixty (60) days or more delinquent on any City utility bill or in arrears on payments to the municipality in any capacity; and/or
- In violation of City of Massillon Property Maintenance/Building
In addition, bid forms will not be accepted outside of the timeframe referenced in the bid notice.
The bid form must be completed in its entirety. Please allow a minimum of thirty (30) days for bid review. If approved, a notice of award letter will be sent informing the successful bidder to provide a certified check or money order in the amount of the bid price within ten (10) days from date of the “Notice of Award” letter. Failure to provide payment within ten (10) days will remove the bidder from further consideration for the purchase of the parcel.
STEP 1- Complete the bid form by filling in the permanent parcel number in the blanks provided. Remember, only one parcel per application.
STEP 2- BIDDER AND CO-BIDDER INFORMATION shall be completed in its entirety by providing: Name; Home and/or Mobile phone number; email address; current address; and Zip Code. The same should be provided if there is a co-applicant. Please note that bidders must be 18 years of age or older.
STEP 3- PROPOSED REUSE OF PARCEL- Provide a detailed description of the planned reuse of the parcel. Feel free to attach additional documentation to the form to describe the reuse.
STEP 4- CERTIFICATIONS- Select the appropriate YES/NO box next to the question. Please note: Your signature on this bid form provides us authorization to verify your Tax Status with the City of Massillon Income Tax Department.
STEP 4- Provide the necessary signatures and dates on the signature line provided. Remit the completed bid form via mail or hand delivery in an enclosed sealed envelope. Bid forms not sealed and marked will be rejected. All envelopes should be addressed to:.
Below are additional resources that may be helpful in completing the bid form:
Stark County Auditor
PH: (330) 451-7357
(Services---basic tax info; property characteristics e.g. front footage and lot size; maps; and images, etc.)
Stark County Treasurer
PH: (330) 451-7814
(Services—Tax bill; delinquent real estate taxes)
City of Massillon Building Department
PH: (330) 830-1724 (Building Permits, land use and Zoning)
City of Massillon Community Development Department
PH: (330) 830-1721 (Listing of available lots)
City of Massillon Economic Development
PH: (330) 830-1701
City of Massillon Engineering Department
PH: (330) 830-1722
Website: (Services- Lot splits and associated fees)
City of Massillon Income tax
PH: (330) 830-1709
(Services—Income taxes; delinquent income tax payments)
Please note: If the permanent parcel number is not on the published City of Massillon parcel list, we are unable to assist you with your request for purchase.