Ted Herncane
Development Director
Tel: 330-830-1701 | Fax: 330-830-1778
Municipal Government Annex | 151 Lincoln Way East | Massillon, OH 44646
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

With over ten years of experience in public and private sector economic development, Ted Herncane has a track record of success. He has served Massillon as community development director, president of the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, and served two terms on Massillon City Council chairing the Economic Development Committee. As director of development, Ted is responsible for overseeing the City's economic and community development activities. He also works with local businesses on expansion projects and provides support to new businesses seeking to relocate to Massillon.
Massillon is strategically located in Northeast, Ohio within a short driving distance to Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, and Pittsburgh. Located primarily in western Stark County, Massillon has excellent transportation access with State Route 30 and State Route 21 intersecting on the southeast section of the city. Both provide easy access to Interstate 77 and Interstate 76.
Education & Business
Massillon has a skilled workforce with an excellent school system, vocational school, and is only minutes away from Stark State College and Kent State Stark. Massillon is also home to many prominent businesses including: Shearer’s, Fresh Mark, Heinz, Case Farms, MCTV, ARE Accessories, Sterilite, RW Screw, Midwest Health, Progressive Auto Group, Crown Cork and Seal, E-Tank, Quest Specialty Chemicals, NFM, Campbell Oil, Greif Packaging, and Baker Hughes, to name a few.
Tax Incentives
Community Reinvestment Area (CRA)-the City of Massillon has an established CRA located mostly in the downtown that provides for real property tax exemptions for businesses who commit to renovate existing or construct new buildings to encourage revitalization of existing housing stock and the development of new structures.
Enterprise Zone-the Enterprise Zone program allows for the City of Massillon to offer tax abatements on parcels of land as a tool to retain and attract companies to that location where investment is made. Ohio enterprise zone tax abatements exempt a portion of the area from property taxes and are generally granted for the creation or expansion of companies as well as the renovation and occupation of existing business sites. Enterprise Zones can exclude up to 75% of the assessed value of real property and cannot last more than 15 years.
Inducement grants and coordination of financing is also available.
To be successful in bringing jobs to a community, you must collaborate with like minded organizations. The City of Massillon works everyday with the Stark Economic Development Board, the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, the Massillon Development Foundation (MDF), the Massillon Community Improvement Corporation (CIC), just to name a few, to cultivate a positive climate for business opportunity and growth.
Department Services
- Assist with plan submittals
- Arrange meetings with City Departments
- Advise on city codes, ordinances, and procedures
- Facilitate property acquisition
- Coordinate with utilities (water, sewer, gas, electric)
The City of Massillon will continue to work with our partners to build on the progress we have made to generate more economic development opportunities in the future. We will also work diligently to ensure that our current businesses are provided every opportunity to grow and flourish in our community.
The City of Massillon is “open for business” and we work hard to see that our assets are put to good use in attracting and maintaining quality businesses to our City. The City of Massillon wants your business and will do what it takes to earn it.