Holiday Parade Sign Up You are cordially invited to participate in the 69th Annual Holiday Parade sponsored by The Massillon Patriotic Committee on November 23rd, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. All vehicles are to be fully decorated in a holiday theme, except for the classic and antique vehicles (Model A’s, Model T’s, Corvettes, etc.). Participating units will line up at 4:00 p.m. on parade day. A map showing the parade line-up and formation areas will be mailed to you approximately one to two weeks before the parade. You MUST remain in the parade until the end of the parade route. For the safety of those participating in the parade and the spectator’s watching, we will strictly enforce this rule. To be included in the 2024 Massillon Holiday Parade, please complete and submit this form by November 1st. For questions please contact Sarah Arbuckle at: 330-830-1702 Note: For the safety of the children,DO NOT THROW CANDY FROM VEHICLESYou may have designated walkersHAND OUT CANDY.Please refrain from using a “Santa Claus” in your unit.Santa will highlight the parade’s finale, as is our tradition. Name of Unit * Contact Person * Contact Person First First Last Last Phone * Email Contact Address * Contact Address Contact Address Contact Address City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Type of Unit * Number of persons to be in parade * Number of Vehicles and Type * Type of Music * Please provide a brief description that you would like the announcer to say about your unit when the parade is televised. * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.