New Electric Aggregation Plan

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The City of Massillon has joined NOPEC’s electric aggregation program. NOPEC is a group of over 240 Ohio communities in 19 counties that negotiates competitive utility rates for hundreds of thousands of residents and small businesses. As Ohio’s largest governmental energy aggregator, NOPEC buys natural gas and electricity in bulk, passing the benefits on to their customers. Over the past 25 years, NOPEC has saved Ohio consumers hundreds of millions of dollars on their energy costs.

Eligible customers will begin receiving enrollment letters in the mail in mid-April. These enrollment letters will detail information about NOPEC’s aggregation program, the various rates available, and how to opt out of the aggregation if you choose to do so. To enroll, you do not need to take any action. Your account will be automatically enrolled into NOPEC’s Standard Program Price option. There will be no disruption of service during the switch.

NOPEC provides a variety of programs to choose from besides their Standard Program Price, including a Monthly Variable Rate, 12- and 24-Month Fixed Term programs, and 100% Renewable Content electricity options. Plus, you won’t be locked into a contract. You have the flexibility to move to the NOPEC rate plan that works best for you at any time without incurring any fees.

With NOPEC’s stable, competitive electric rates and no tricky contracts, Massillon residents and small businesses can enjoy peace of mind in a volatile energy market. NOPEC can also help you reduce your energy consumption with their monthly Energy Connection Newsletter, home maintenance reminders, and valuable, cost-saving energy tips. You can access these resources at

For more information about NOPEC or to check NOPEC’s electricity rates, visit or call NOPEC’s 24/7 Customer Care Center at 855-667-3201.