Streets and Highways Department
The Massillon Street Department is responsible for maintaining nearly 175 miles of road. That includes patching, mowing, trimming the right of way, sweeping and snow removal. Additionally, we have recycling, yard waste and residential tire disposal programs available to our residents at our City Garage location. If you have a concern with a road or a situation to be addressed, we invite you fill out our Street Concern Form or call us directly. Please note paving contracts and catch basin repairs are addressed with the Engineering department.
Office: 401 Walnut Road SW, Massillon, Ohio 44647
Phone: 330.833.5746
Tom Burgasser
Operations Superintendent
Extended Yard Waste Collection Hours!
Massillon Residents only can drop off loose grass, leaves, shrub, brush/branches, plants, and stumps during these hours - NO BAGS. Normal drop off hours are from 7AM to 3PM. Contact the Street Department with questions, 330-833-5746.