A public meeting will be held for the Massillon Civil Service Commission on the second Monday of each month at 5:00. The meeting will be held at the Getz Building - 54 City Hall Street SE. Massillon.
The Massillon Civil Service Commission will hold a Special meeting to discuss the following ; certify eligibility list for Police Lieutenant and Captain and finalize Police Chief promotional process. The Special Meeting is set for Thursday August 11th at 5:00 PM. The location of the meeting is the Ivan Getz Building – 54 City Hall […]
The Massillon Civil Service Commission will hold a Special meeting to discuss the following ; Police Chief Promotion written examination changes, finalization of written examination material and applications. The Special Meeting is set for Wednesday August 24th at 12:00 PM . The location of the meeting is inside the City of Massillon Municipal Annex - […]