Jason Saintenoy - Chief of Police
Tel: 330-830-1762 | Fax: 330-832-1900
Municipal Government Center–Street Level
2 James Duncan Plaza, S.E., Suite 1 | Massillon, OH 44646
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Emergency 911
Dispatch 330-832-9811
Massillon PD Station 330-830-1755
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Massillon Police Department is to Protect lives and property, Prevent crime and fear of crime, and to Promote public safety and a feeling of security. We will do so with honor and integrity, conducting ourselves with the highest ethical and moral standards in order to be deserving of the enormous responsibility that has been entrusted to us.
Vision Statement:
The Massillon Police Department will strive for excellence through professionalism. We will constantly improve ourselves through training, technology, and innovation. We will work in a partnership with the community to enhance the quality of life through crime prevention, enforcement, and education. We will continue to bring honor to this Department through our actions by holding ourselves to a higher standard, treating others with empathy and compassion, and taking legitimate action based on what is lawful, proper, and fair. Discrimination, favoritism, and those who condone such behavior have no place in this organization.
Core Values:
- Integrity: having a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. The nature of policing is such that most of the officer’s work is done out of sight of their supervisors. Officers take pride in knowing that they can be relied on to conduct themselves in a way that reflects favorably on the police department and on the profession itself. Can also be defined as "doing the right thing when no one is looking".
- Selfless Service/Courage: putting the needs of the community above that of self. Generally speaking, individuals do not seek a career in policing because it is lucrative or exciting, but rather, because of a sincere desire to help others in times of need.
- Compassion: a feeling of empathy for others. We believe in treating all people with respect and dignity. We show concern and empathy for the victims of crime and treat violators of the law with fairness and dignity.
- Committed: feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated. We are not only committed to our profession, but also to the ideals of justice, fairness, and individual rights. We demonstrate this by performing all tasks in a thorough and complete manner, to the best of our ability.
- Reverence: feeling or showing deep and solemn respect. We have been given the honor and privilege of enforcing the law. We must always exercise integrity and discretion in the use of the power and authority that has been given to us by the people. Our personal and professional behavior should be a model for all to follow. We will obey and support the letter and spirit of the law.
Solus non sum: (I am not alone)
The City of Massillon strives to provide the highest level of service through the enforcement of laws and the protection of life, property and the constitutional rights of all. We will meet the present and future needs of the public through a continued partnership with our community.
The Massillon Police Department is commanded by Chief Jason Saintenoy. The department is organized into two divisions of patrol and support.
The patrol division is headed by Captain William Peel. The patrol division consists of all the uniform officers who are assigned to the three eight hour working shifts. Day shift begins at 6:00 am, then Afternoon shift at 2:00 pm and Midnights at 10:00pm. Each shift has a lieutenant in charge and 2 sergeants assigned as additional supervisors. Officers are assigned the additional duties of K9 handlers, Community Outreach, and Public Information.
The support division is headed by Captain Paul Covert. The support division consists of the detective bureau, training, jail / court operations, vehicle / traffic bureau and records management. The jail for the City of Massillon is currently classified as a temporary holding facility and cannot house prisoners. Prisoners who are arrested by the Massillon Police are transported to the Stark County Jail.
Massillon Police Organizational Chart
Additional Links
Business Security / Contact Form
Community Outreach Schedule to “Meet the Police”
Compliment a Police Officer, or Department Employee
Contact Us - Police Department
The History of the Massillon Police Department
How to Place a Call for Service
Massillon Police Department Accident Records Search