Community Development

Ted Herncane

Development Director

Phone – 330.830.1721     |     Fax – 330.830.1778

151 Lincoln Way East
Massillon, Ohio 44646

Ted Herncane

With over ten years of experience in public and private sector economic development, Ted Herncane has a track record of success. He has served Massillon as community development director, president of the Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, and served two terms on Massillon City Council chairing the Economic Development Committee. As director of development, Ted is responsible for overseeing the City's economic and community development activities. He also works with local businesses on expansion projects and provides support to new businesses seeking to relocate to Massillon.

The Community Development Department manages the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Massillon receives this funding as an entitlement Community through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Being an entitlement community means rather than having to apply to receive CDBG funding, the City is automatically awarded funds through a formula allocation. Each activity that we undertake using CDBG dollars must meet one of the three National objectives outlined by HUD. The three national objectives are as follows:

  1. Benefit to low- and moderate- income (LMI) persons;
  2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and
  3. Meet a need having a particular urgency (referred to as urgent need).

In addition to the CDBG funding, the City receives HOME Investment Partnership funds as a Stark County HOME Consortium member. For more information on the City's HOME funded programs visit the Housing Department page:


Interested in commenting or receiving information about a current or upcoming program plan? Reach out to Ted Herncane at (330) 830-1721 or We encourage citizens to participate in the planning process, particularly those of low to moderate income. We want to hear from YOU!

CDBG Citizens Participation Plan

A target area is a Census tract where the housing market is highly challenged. The map below was developed using Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs). QCTs are based on household income data and designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). At least 70% of funding each year must go towards serving low-to-moderate income individuals, so several of our program are designed to serve only those residing in these QCTs.

Target Area Map (2019)


We've moved! Historic Preservation now has it's own page:

In 2015 City Council created the Housing Market Reinvestment Program (HMRP). The HMRP is a grant created to encourage homebuyers in the City of Massillon to purchase a home that is either located in the Target Area or a property purchased after previous foreclosure.

Homeowners that have met the criteria listed above are eligible to apply for the HMRP grant each year for 3 years following the purchase of their home. Applications are accepted beginning March 1st of every year, and ending March 31st. Applications received or postmarked after the March 31st deadline will be denied.

Qualifying homebuyers must remain in their home and it must be their primary residence for 3 years following the purchase. The amount of grants will be based funding ability. The maximum grant awarded cannot be greater than $1,000 or amount of property taxes paid, whichever is less.

Click Here to apply online!

The City of Massillon’s Codified Ordinances provides the opportunity for interested persons to purchase vacant, city-owned lots within the City of Massillon. The minimum bid price of the lots shall not be less than fair market value which has been determined to be $8.00 per front foot regardless of the size or location of the lot, and shall be paid via a certified check or money order upon acceptance of the bid and approval of the proposed use. The successful purchaser shall agree to maintain the property in accordance with all applicable Health, Building, and Property Maintenance Codes enacted by the City.

Learn more and view available properties here: