Accessory Building Information
Additions and Garages Information
Building Codes
Current Building Codes
- 2019 Residential Code of Ohio
- 2019 Ohio Mechanical Code
- 2023 National Electric Code
- 2024 Ohio Building Code
- 2024 Ohio Mechanical Code
- 2024 Ohio Plumbing Code
- 2023 National Electric Code
101.2 Scope. The provisions of the "Ohio Building Code", the "Ohio Mechanical Code", and the "Ohio Plumbing Code" shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures. As provided in division (B) of section 3791.04 of the Revised Code, no plans or specifications shall be approved or inspection approval given unless the building represented by those plans or specifications would, if constructed, repaired, erected, or equipped according to those plans or specifications, comply with Chapters 3781. and 3791. of the Revised Code and any rules adopted by the board. An owner may exceed the requirements of the "Ohio Building Code" in compliance with section 102.9.
- This code applies to detached one-, two-, and three-family dwellings and structures accessory to those dwellings, only to the extent indicated in section 310 of this code.
- Buildings owned by and used for a function of the United States government.
- Buildings or structures which are incident to the use for agricultural purposes of the land on which said buildings or structures are located, provided such buildings or structures are not used in the business of retail trade; for the purposes of this section, a building or structure is not considered used in the business of retail trade if fifty per cent or more of the gross income received from sales of products in the building or structure by the owner or operator is from sales of products produced or raised in a normal crop year on farms owned or operated by the seller (see sections 3781.06 and 3781.061 of the Revised Code).
- Agricultural labor camps.
- Type A or Type B family day-care homes, except for the inspection required for licensure by the "Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS)". This required inspection shall be conducted by the certified building department having jurisdiction or the division of industrial compliance and labor in accordance with the inspection checklist found on the board of building standard's website.
- Buildings or structures which are designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with federal standards and regulations and are used primarily for federal and state military purposes where the U.S. secretary of defense, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Sections 18233(A)(1) and 18237, has acquired by purchase, lease, or transfer, and constructs, expands, rehabilitates, or corrects and equips, such buildings or structures as he determines to be necessary to carry out the purposes of Chapter 1803 of the U.S.C.
- Manufactured homes constructed under "24 CFR Part 3280," "Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards" and within the scope of the rules adopted by the Ohio Manufactured Home Commission.
- Sewerage systems, treatment works, and disposal systems (including the tanks, piping, and process equipment associated with these systems) regulated by the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or the governing board of a county or special district owning or operating a publicly owned treatment works or sewerage system as stated in division (A) of section 6111.032 of the Revised Code.
- Building sewer piping.
- Portable electric generators and wiring supplying carnival and amusement park rides regulated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
- Structures directly related to the operation of a generating plant or major utility facilities regulated by the power siting board. As a condition of the power siting board's approval, the building department may be requested to review and inspect these structures for compliance with the rules of the board of building standards. However, the building department has no enforcement authority.
Commercial Plan Review
Contractor Bond Forms
Contractor Registration
Demolition Contractor Registration and Permit Information
Electrical Contractor Registration Packet
Fire Suppression Contractor, Journeyman & Apprentice Registration & Permit Information
General Contractor Registration & Income Tax Questionnaire-FOR COMMERCIAL WORK ONLY
Heating Contractor Registration Packet
Home Improvement Contractor Registration Packet
Low Voltage Registration & Permit Information
Deck Information Packet
Do I Need a Permit? Permits 101
Fence Information Packet
Housing Starts
Journeyman/Apprentice Registration
Massillon Downtown Historic District Design Guidelines
Miscellaneous Forms
New House Plan Submission Procedure
Non-Owner Occupied Structure (Rental) Registration
Occupancy Permits
The process to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy is as follows:
- For all new construction residential dwellings, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued when the dwelling is completed and the final inspection has been done. These Certificate of Occupancy’s are issued upon the request of the contractor and are no charge.
- For all new commercial structures, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued when the structure is completed and the final inspection has been done. These Certificate of Occupancy’s are issued upon the request of the contractor and are no charge.
- For all existing commercial structures, an application must be made in writing to the Chief Building Official. The Building Official will then coordinate with other City Departments, if necessary, to schedule a time for a walk-through inspection. After the walk-through inspection, if the structure is in compliance with all of the building and zoning codes, the Certificate of Occupancy will then be issued to the applicant upon the payment of a $100.00 fee.
Chapter 1125 Administration and Enforcement & Certificates of Occupancy
Building Permits
Residential Building Permit Fees
Commercial Building Permit Fees
Demolition/Razing Permits
Demolition Contractor Registration and Permit Information
Electrical Permits
Electrical Non Hazard Service Reconnection Permit
Fire Suppression Permits
Fire Suppression Contractor, Journeyman & Apprentice Registration & Permit Information
Heating Permits
Plumbing Permits
Low Voltage Wiring Permits
Low Voltage Registration & Permit Information
Sign Permits
Renewal Requirements for Contractors, Journeyman, and Apprentices
Rooming House Permit Information
Swimming Pool Information
Vacant & Foreclosed Property Registration
Variance Submission Procedure
Zoning Map –More information about zoning on a property.
For further inquiries, please email or call:
Frank Silla
Chief Building Official, Zoning Inspector
Building, Electrical & Heating Inspector
Phone: (330) 830-1724 Ext. 399
Tracee Ward
Office Manager, Permit Technician
Phone: (330) 830-1724 Ext. 393